Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               



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I have a question. I bought a new aluminum radiator for my bucket. It is raw aluminum. I see that some folks have left them raw and some are painted flat black. Any thoughts on which might be better? Will painting it black cause it to not cool as well?
I had an article once, I think written by CoolFlex, that said flat black paint will actually slightly improve the cooling of an aluminum radiator, as long as you don't overdo it.
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I have copper radiators, painted black, and when they need touch-up I mix black water base dye with water and paint that on. It is very thin, about the consistency of fountain pen ink. You could also use dye that reduces in alcohol.
The only reason NOT to paint it would be if you were going to polish it. I've seen some polished that were pretty cool.


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Interesting. I never knew they made paint specifically for radiators. I’m still debating. Paint or no paint!
I have copper radiators, painted black, and when they need touch-up I mix black water base dye with water and paint that on. It is very thin, about the consistency of fountain pen ink. You could also use dye that reduces in alcohol.
I worked at a radiator shop in high school and we thinned the paint very thin and used a air nozzle blow gun with a siphon port to blow it on and into the fins.... actually thinned it with gasoline, lol... paint saves them from corrosion.
I guess it’s important to protect it from corrosion. I bought a new grill shell to fit the new radiator. I have to spray it the bodycolor. Maybe at the same time I’ll mix up some black and spray a light coat on the radiator.
Thanks for everyone’s response!

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