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radio install


New Member
hey guys hope every one had a great thanksgiving!heres my question.i want to put a radio in the bucket but don't want to use dash.anyone have pics of where you put yours.thanks jj
I put a nice stereo in the tub, in the dash. Trouble is you can't hear it even with 4 speakers. There is just too much noise, from engine, headers, tires and wind to hear it at all going down the road. But to answer your question I have seen some under the seat.
I had one in my Model A Tub. Same problem as RPM, they only end up being useful when parked. Lets face it, were a little old to go parking in cars this small.:)
I mounted mine in the face of the seat bottom with a couple of speakers but ended up taking it out because it was impossible to hear.
I have an 8-track/FM reciever mounted under the dash. Works great but I can't here anything once the engine is started. But hey its an 8-track.:D
I'm installing one in mine and for the kids in the back I'll have 3 headphone jacks glassed into the back of the front seat so while the kids sit in the back seat they can just plug and listen.
I had one in my '27 and could only hear it at redlights. Once I got going it got drowned out by wind and engine noise. I didn't even try in my '23. My Son has one under the seat in his T and he can hear it even though his car is VERY loud, because his Brother installed two big speakers under the dash aiming at him. When we are traveling together I can actually hear his radio clear over in my car when we stop at lights. :lol:

But like most of you, I like the engine noises the best.

Todd said:
I had one in my Model A Tub. Same problem as RPM, they only end up being useful when parked. Lets face it, were a little old to go parking in cars this small.:blush:

Speak for yourself Im 27; loan me your T and I'll test it out if you want
Can you imagine PARKING any where with your babe in a T?I can hear you now lets get in the back seat.:blush:
HAceT said:
I'm installing one in mine and for the kids in the back I'll have 3 headphone jacks glassed into the back of the front seat so while the kids sit in the back seat they can just plug and listen.

You wanna impress the kids? Satellite Radio or an iPOD dock and definitely a set of wireless headphones. I had XM radio in my buick and I LOVED it. I think I was paying 10 bucks a month, and I had a "dock" with speakers in my house on my desk. I can take my reciever out of the car (about the size of a GPS) and plug it in in the house. The reciever was I think 50 bucks and the wiring kit was 10bucks. LOVE IT
TheAntiBoyd said:
You wanna impress the kids? Satellite Radio or an iPOD dock and definitely a set of wireless headphones. I had XM radio in my buick and I LOVED it. I think I was paying 10 bucks a month, and I had a "dock" with speakers in my house on my desk. I can take my reciever out of the car (about the size of a GPS) and plug it in in the house. The reciever was I think 50 bucks and the wiring kit was 10bucks. LOVE IT

That maybe a idea you have there.....Thanks AntiBoyd
These tips sure are very helpful! I was thinking of putting in a stereo. Now, I won't even bother! Besides, I'll be so busy listening to the motor and seeing front tires roll, that I won't have the time for the radio.

Yay!!! some green saved!!! :shrug:
I just wanna hear the pipes, the whine of my gear drive and the sound of the wind.

I had the same situation with my jeep. With the whine of 35" mud tires, a Flowmaster muffler, no top and no doors it made a stereo kind of useless while driving.

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