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Rear Buggy Spring Question


New Member
I've got a transvese mounted Model T rear spring. I like the looks of it, but would like to raise the rear of the car about 2" higher. Would it be better to have the spring re-arched or put a spacer block between frame and spring? I am trying to avoid changing the axle brackets, but if necessary will do.
You need to direct this to Youngster.Hes the man with those springs
tex...if you could post a pic i'm sure we could find a way to do what you are thinking about.

My T settled down a bit after I started driving it so I put a couple of inch high spacer between the spring and crossmember. It did the trick.

Here are some pics (hopefully) of my rear spring setup.
Any tips or ideas as to simplest way to raise a couple inches.
I thought about using a space block. I think I also need to shorten the spring a little. I think the shackles will be hanging straight down with all the weight on the car instead of 45 degrees like they should be. I really can't move the mount any further out on the axle. If I get the spring re-arched it should be a little shorter in length. I don't know how much height I will gain though.
look in the tech articles for the spring mods on an A spring. how far apart are your axle mounts? you can somewhat tune the spring buy varying the length of the leaves.

I used a lowering block and longer bolts about 40 years ago on one. you could make a curved spacer with top pin and bottom hole to match.

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