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Relocating the alternator...options?


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My alternator is a full size chrome 100 amp model. It is currently mounted on top on the drivers side but that takes away from the appearance of the engine IMO. I bought a relocation bracket kit for the lower drivers side but it hits the frame and wont allow any adjustments for belt tension. Does anyone have any suggestions on mounting, a mini alternator, different bracket, or any other ideas? (Btw...I'm changing that distributor as well...another cosmetic improvement) 20181007_184843_resized.jpg
There's not much room down there , eh ? I made my own low mount and I have minimal adjustment yours like a 10 si ??? IIRC mine is a 13 si ....same mounting points , same 100 amps , slightly smaller case , ....mid 90's Buick. Mine pivots off the front upper motor mount bolt , beside the Timing cover. I have to loosen the water pump pulley T o put a NEW belt on ..
Cut the bracket somewhere in the middle, weld in a piece that will lengthen the bracket and make the alternator hang below the frame rail?
Check this out . . . low on passenger side, and yes it hangs down below the frame rail.:cool:

Alt bracket.jpgT-Bucket9b.jpg
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I ordered a chrome mini alternator this morning (along with a bunch of other shiny goodies :thumbsup:). I will have to modify the relocation bracket either by trimming an inch off the slotted end or adding on to the mounting end to lower it. One way or another it is getting moved.
I put mine on the passenger side of my big block.
Used a smaller CS130 Alternator.
Made the brackets myself.
2016-02-06 20.21.05a.jpg

2016-02-06 20.07.08a.jpg
I ordered a chrome mini alternator this morning (along with a bunch of other shiny goodies :thumbsup:). I will have to modify the relocation bracket either by trimming an inch off the slotted end or adding on to the mounting end to lower it. One way or another it is getting moved.
Which one did you order ?
Or you could put it under the car like I did:
Or you could put it under the car like I did:

I like your alternator mount. Do you have any problem keeping the battery charged with the alt just running off of the driveshaft? What kind of mph does it have to see before it starts charging?
I have the same set up. The guy that built the alternator and I worked out 7mph before it kicks in, but that depends on the pulley diameters.

Both us have a solid mounted diff, with a live axle its a bit more complicated.

altenator and tensioner (11) (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC) (Copy).JPG
I had to make some bracket mods and some temporary spacers but it works. Permanent spacers will either be black or stainless.
I like that driveshaft setup...wouldn't work in my case though.
I like your alternator mount. Do you have any problem keeping the battery charged with the alt just running off of the driveshaft? What kind of mph does it have to see before it starts charging?
No problem with charging. I use an Optima yellow-top battery, which is fast charge. I think it kicks in around 20 mph. Alternator is now 25 years old and battery about 15.

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