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remote computer access


Active Member
Hey Mike (or anyone else),

Is there a good program I can use to access my mom and dads computer from my house? They are pretty much computer illiterate and live 3000 miles away so it is pretty hard to help them out over the phone (kinda like a lot of the members around here eh? lol) They are running windows 7 and I have enough computers around here with every available OS to make it happen if necessary.
To be honest, I'm rarely ever 30 steps away from a computer (well, I did have to take the wheelie bin to the curb this morning), so I've never needed an application that would do that.

I remember using something to get some tech help on the POS software we used at the shop. I believe it was VNC, let me look for a second.


Yeppers, it was VNC. Take a look at THIS ARTICLE.
I deal on a daily basis with computers that are remote.
"logmein" is a free program that has never failed me for over 5 years (or more.. crs kicking in). I highly recommend it (logmein, not crs).
I have clients in the middle of the country plus I take care of my sister's system which is on the West coast while I'm on the East coast.
I also connect to one of 29 workstations and 3 virtual servers at work with it every day.
I ran my classroom for 5 weeks from my bed when I had back surgery. Between that and Skype for video/audio, the students called me virtual Joe.

You can buy a better version if you want to transfer files between the local and remote systems but I use ftp or a dropbox type thing and keep it all free.

Joe, I love Dropbox. How did we ever get along without it?


Sigh... I'll tell you how: FTP, Email attachments (changing extensions so anti-virus programs don't kick them), zipping big files into many pieces so they can be sent or.. worse.. SNEAKER NET!

Long live dropbox! :)
We use VNC at work but that is only local network stuff never live of the internet. I did't think it would be very safe but I don't know. I will check out dropbox and logmein.


"safe" is in the firewall of the beholder... ;)

Many folks use VNC (including at the college where I work) but I still prefer logmein.

There are many programs that do what you are looking for. I suggest you test them out. If you can get 2 computers online in the same room you can see how they work.

Dropbox is for file sharing... not remote control.
"The Dropbox client enables users to drop any file into a designated folder that is then synced with Dropbox's Internet service and to any other of the user's computers and devices with the Dropbox client."

Good luck.
I use logmein for at least ten calls a day to resolve customer's issues. It works quite well indeed.

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