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Remote master cylinder reservoir


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I want to machine a remote master cylinder reservoir and cap out of aluminum. The question I have has to do with expansion. Since the master cylinder itself has the expansion gasket (that will be modified or changed for fittings obviously), does the remote reservoir need anything similar like an expansion gasket or should it have weep hole, check valve, etc...?
I want to machine a remote master cylinder reservoir and cap out of aluminum. The question I have has to do with expansion. Since the master cylinder itself has the expansion gasket (that will be modified or changed for fittings obviously), does the remote reservoir need anything similar like an expansion gasket or should it have weep hole, check valve, etc...?

If I'm following your question,

You're going to need to have the expansion gasket at the highest point . . . if you make a remote reservoir that feeds the MC, it will end up compressing the gasket in the MC due to gravity.
I guess I wasn't explaining it very well. The gasket in the MC will be changed so that fluid can flow into both chambers. The remote reservoir is the issue I need to figure out. The billet aluminum reservoirs with 2 chambers that you can buy don't have (or dont display in the pictures) an expansion gasket. That is why I'm wondering if it is a sealed system, has a check valve to allow air in, an air bleed hole in the cap, etc...
They will if they work! When fluid leaves the master it needs to be replaced by air to work. Need the expansion gasket. Brake fluid absorbes air if left open or vented.
Many newer cars have remotes with a simple screw type lid and gasket with a small vent in the top. They supply both resevours in the mc. Perhaps get one and duplicate the design or use their lid and gasket.
I've been looking for a replacement gasket to use in my own machined cap, but couldn't find one. That's what made me wonder if there even was one on a remote reservoir. I guess if the gasket goes bad, you have to go through the manufacturer or buy a whole new unit....they are kinda pricey for a "storage bottle". That is why I wanted to machine my own. I like the fact that I can make my own parts, but so far all I've made are my front shock mounts.
MUCH better. The roads here in PA are pretty famous for their lack of maintenance, and personally, I don't think the friction shocks were doing much, if anything. Before I installed them, I was getting a lot of wheel bounce which made the car steer funny and drift (as discussed in another post). Adding them cut down on that quite a bit.
I guess I should have said "...adding the tube shocks...". The friction shocks were on the bucket when I bought it.
I can’t remember ever having issues with resevour gaskets needing replaced except in one situation where a customer blew a brake line and out of desperation filled it with transmission fluid, which destroyed every rubber piece in the brake system, they all swelled up. So as long as the correct material is used, you should be good to go once you decide your design.
I can’t remember ever having issues with resevour gaskets needing replaced except in one situation where a customer blew a brake line and out of desperation filled it with transmission fluid, which destroyed every rubber piece in the brake system, they all swelled up. So as long as the correct material is used, you should be good to go once you decide your design.
By looking at pre made gaskets, I thought the gasket would need that "bubble" for expansion. Do you think a flat gasket would allow enough movement for the expansion needed?
I would think that if the cap was dome-shaped inside that a flat rubber gasket would be able to expand a little. Too much expansion might pull the gasket from its seal around the edge.
I have a complete remote fill system with a Ford Ranger MC and V.W. hoses and filler and machined tops for
The MC used it on my other T-- I'll take a picture and post..

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