Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Rod End Thread Exposure


New Member
OK, I should know this, but I don't, so here goes.

With all things being perfect, and all tie rods at ideal working length, how much thread is typically showing before the jam nut on a rod end? I have been using four full turns of thread showing. But I'm thinking this might not be enough. What do you guys do?

Take care,

i go 5 turns but watch the tie rod threads, sometimes the threads are turned further up the shaft. hold the ends back to back to check the length. i buy mine from speedway, about $10 each.

When building a car from scratch, (if you are lookin to have a show car) I usually build a junk tie rod using conduit and a nut tacked inside the tube.. now when you get things all together, with full weight on the chassis, complete, now you can set the tow, you can now get the correct tube length, to allow how ever many threads to show as you like, some only leave 1 turn at each end this way, but I always like to leave about a 1/4 inch, better safe than sorry, but also it is better to error long on the tube, than short.. :D same goes for panard bars and all the rest, when first designing a car... Now if you are lucky and have a set of plans to follow, that will save you a ton of time and money... as all that has been figured out already by whom ever drew up the plans, hopefully..:) Good Luck with your project.
very good tip ted....i'll remember that one. thanks!!!


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