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Rust Bullet Paint

We were talking about this (and Por-15) the other day... so I'll just copy and paste because
1. it's late and I'm tired
2. I'm just that lazy
3. it's relevant to the discussion

The guys over on have talked about for a while but right now I can't remember what it's called.

I'm doing a search over there right now.

Found it! Seemes to have a lot of fans for this...


MasterSeriesCT Coating Line Rust Prevention - MasterSeriesCT

Rust inhibitor or converter - revisited - The Volksrodders Forum

And there's also Rust Bullet.

Stop Rust with Rust Inhibitor Products, Rust Paint & Coating

There's athread over on about these products. :: View topic - Rust Prevention Product Testing

Hope this information helps someone out there. I'll probably be using the Masterseries stuff on the old VW.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I had never heard of it but I just went to their web site and I think I'm going to give it a try on a pedal car I'm restoring. I was going to do the underside of the car with POR 15 but I would have to completely get all of the existing paint off of the car and then use other POR products like their Tiecoat primer before I could topcoat it with a color. The pedal car is almost 50 years old and the paint that is left on it is as hard as a rock. I've done some sand blasting but my compressor can't keep up and I'm wasting a lot of sand. According to their web site Rust Bullet can be painted over the existing paint after scuffing it with sand paper or a scotch brite pad and after waiting 24 hours I can paint a top coat over it with no other intermediate coatings. Rust bullet has a starter kit with two small cans of paint that will cover 6 square feet each, brushes, rubber gloves, etc. for $19.95. Pretty cheap. It's enough paint for what I want to do. I'll give it a try and report back.

P.S. I went over to Samba to check out the posts that T-odd referred to above. In one of the postings the writer wrote that he had painted POR 15 over paint after scuffing it up. I spoke with a rep at POR 15 a cuple of weeks ago about painting over the paint on the underside of my pedal car. He said I needed to take it to bare metal as he couldn't gaurantee that the POR would bond with the paint. I'm going to believe him.
Neat little critters. I just wish mine was a little bigger so I could peddle it to Kwik trip!! LOL

Youngster said:
Neat little critters. I just wish mine was a little bigger so I could peddle it to Kwik trip!! LOL


Peddle to Kwik Trip? Isn't all down hill? Peddeling home would be the challenge. I'd be there to cheer you on :clap: and get videos for the group.
I'd have to call for a tow or maybe just carry it.


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