Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Sandblasted Rear End

I would not blast it period. BUT, if you have decided to do it anyway, Mr. T's approach would be the safest way to go.
Sand and precision parts don't go together....kinda like water and electricity....
Mike, We need a smilie with his ass on fire while he's running for certain things. Possibly a sooty black face after a fire also....
Possibly a big explosion with a pair of eyeballs in the center of it.
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Thanks everyone for all your input. That's going to be my winter project....taking the whole works apart. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing because I got the rear end on spec and I don't know what condition the bearings, seals and whatever else were in. It'll be a hell-of-an-experience too.
Well, I guess I'll stay away from any blasting, and stick with the old wire brush and some kind of rust remover. I needed a good excuse to get a new grinder anyway...LOL.

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