Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Scratch build


Hi to all,
Like most I'm building a "T" in my garage, from scratch. I started with some of the original Youngster plans, got as far as the basic chassis then life got in the way for a year or so.

Been back into it now for a couple of months and getting some progress happenin!
I picked up an XJ jag rear on ebay for $200, decided to run only a single set of shocks after reading up on here. Being a Cad designer for my day job means I can get most parts I need lasercut, and I have brake presses at work so folding up parts is not a problem.

I lashed out and purchased an independent front end from a Company in South Australia called RodTech. They make an excellent IRS and I figured it would complement the Jag rear nicely, and improve the handling no end. Not traditional I know, but hey, it's individuality that makes this such a great hobby.

It's a real buzz working on the T, figuring out how to do things, making mistakes, buts it's cool when it works. After seeing plenty of photos on here of other guys garages, I can't believe how similar my garage to everyone elses is in the way of tools, welders engine hoist jack stands etc etc, even though I'm across the other side of the planet!

It's only a single car garage, and I have to fit my motorcycle in too so when I need to work on the car, everything moves outside. I'm glad I decided to fit roller doors at both ends of the shed. Anyhow, I'm having a great time building it and I look forward to sharing ideas, photos of the build etc. Cheers,

Dave, Melbourne Australia
Very nice! I'll be following this one. :thumbsup:
Very cool front end, I like it alot!!!!

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