Rick, we need to talk. And it's tough talk, the kind none of us really like. Unfortunately, my friend, there's no way we can avoid it. I don't like raising grim topics and I don't mean to shame or embarrass anyone. As you can see, you have a lot of friends here and we need to get some information from you. 1. We're going to need you to share your forum details with a family member that will agree to let us know how you are getting along, should your condition progress to a point where you are unable to be here. I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but there are several of prayer warriors praying for you and your family. And we need to know exactly what we need to be praying for, from day to day. In order to do that, we need you, or your appointed family member, to provide us with updates. 2. If you have any specific needs we can help you with, we need you to share those needs with us. If you have any expenses we might be able to help you with by offering some donations, we need to know. I know, it's hard to ask for help at times. We're men and meant to be strong and able to take care of our own. But let's set pride aside, because we're asking you this as your friends. If there is a way we can help you, we want to know all about it. 3. Is there any final request we can fulfill? We can fill a room with flowers, if that is what you want. If you prefer, we can donate to a charity of your choosing, instead. If your family members could benefit from the donations, then you tell us where we can send them. We need you to tell us what you would have us do, because we want to honor you as you would have us to do. The backseat moderators are likely going to get their backs up in the air over what I am about to say, but I really don't care. For those who get upset, about all I can do is suggest you keep your opinion to yourself. I've had these talks in hospital waiting rooms and around dining room tables, but this is the first time I've ever done it on a discussion forum. And let me tell you, it's no easier, doing it here. The talks are always hard, because it is such a painful reminder of how incredibly short our time can be and of how incredibly abrupt its finality is to those closest to us. But I want to offer this reminder, to rekindle everyone's hope. Our time in these bodies is short and there will come a time when these bodies will finally let us down. But that is simply a time of transition. We transition into these bodies and we transition out of them again. During our time here, we transition from one home to another. Those we leave behind miss us, but life goes on for everyone. During our time here, we transition from one job to another. Those we leave behind miss us, but life goes on for everyone. And yes, we will all come to a day when we will transition from life in this world to life in the next one. Those we leave behind will miss us, but life goes on. For EVERYone. Rick's life is not coming to an end, he is merely transitioning to the next step of that life. Rick, many families request the reading of Psalms 23 at a service. And I always comply with those requests, because it is so full of reassurances and promises. But I want to share with you what I feel is the greatest of those promises. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." Psalms 23:4, King James Version The dark valley frightens all of us. None of us really want to walk that path. But we can find comfort in the knowledge that we will not walk it alone. God walks the through the valley with us. He doesn't give us a nudge, with a promise to meet us on the other side. He walks with us, carrying a rod to drive off anything that would do us harm and a staff to keep our feet on the path. He is personally involved, He is personally present and He provides us comfort, every step of the way. On the day when you do come to that dark valley, have no fear. Allow God to guide you through to the green pastures, because He will never ask you to leave them, ever again. Amen! Rick, we need you to tell your friends what you would have us do.