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Even though we have bent the normal rules here I hope if there are those out there that are offended can understand the reason the rules have been skewed slightly for this thread.

Rick, we're still praying for you and your family.

Not sure what rules we would be breaking here.... If it's because of praying for a man in need.... Well !!! Never mind..
I totally agree nolimits !!!!!!!!!
Ron, Mike, T-Odd, If anyone is offended the they do not have a heart and compassion for their fellow man. I have lost just about everyone dear to me that I grew up with including family members that were just like parents to me. Some as young as 18yrs. old. It has taken me aback as to now deal with my inner fillings with death as it often happens way too soon for most. I am ready at any time to die, but try my best not to hasten it in any way. I. will be like Rick and so many others,, and just let me be with family and friends, no doctors or medications or treatments will save you anyway. Bruce/T-Test
If they are offended by this thread they are probably with the wrong group. Dwight
Dwight is RIGHT!

Although we are not openly talking about a particular religion, we are speaking of religious subjects, AND as long as we keep this thread full of well wishes to our dear friend Rick then we have proven that we are all the same no matter any slight differences in our personal beliefs.

I am so proud to be a part of the proof that men can come together without disagreement for a friend when needed.
Thanks to all of you, or as we say here in Memphis - Thanks to All Y'all.

If you pray, pray hard and pray a lot. Rick and his family need it.
I didn't see where anyone was pushing God on anyone here.... People in this world can believe in anything they want to... That is a choice that everyone has.....But as far as prayers for Mr.Rick.... I myself would like to thank everyone for them...For Him and his family... :hi:
They are powerful..This is a man I never had the chance to meet... But I feel he's my brother,, So he worth every prayer I can give... Really sad how as soon as you say God,, Your breaking the rules are cause people some problems....
But I'm very happy to see how even if you don't believe, Your willing to come together with people that do..... For one reason...Mr.Rick...THANKS.. :hi:

Let's not get so caught up in the minutiae of how far we might be stretching the guidelines of this site that we forget why we are stretching the guidelines of this site.

We're not here to pick a fight with anyone. We're here to show one of our own how much he means to us. I am willing to allow anyone to hold whatever beliefs they choose, whether those beliefs align with my own, or not. Members of all faiths are welcome to offer their well-wishes and farewells to Rick.

We will all do well to remember when we try to diminish other religious beliefs, we are most certainly diminishing our own. Our Creator is wherever we find Him and is known to us by whatever name we address Him.

'Nuff said?
This might be a good time to reflect on our own life as well. Where do we stand? My wife passed away 3 yrs ago this Oct. unexpected. She was only 56. It's not till something like this that you look and wished you had done this or said that to someone you care about. Get out of the rut in the fast lane and take a look at your wife, kids and friends and let them know you are thinking about them and what they mean to you. None of us know about tomorrow. I'm like bpickett, I'm ready to go. But I've been put here for a mission and I hope that one day I get to meet everyone on here. Rick, Love you man.
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