Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Setting timing with MSD

When setting the initial timing with an MSD 8362 how do you tell when the "points" open. With old technology you could look at the points, see them open and know where to set the distributor. Instructions just say to point the rotor at number one on cap but that seems like you are guessing over a 20-25 degree range without knowing when the points open.

Thanks for any help.

It's actually fairly easy to get it set well enough to start the motor, then you can adjust by ear, vacuum or timing light. Rather than pointing the rotor at #1, I would suggest picking something closer to the tip of the rotor, such as a point on the back of the carb or a mark on the intake manifold. This makes it easier to align the #1 tower on the cap with the rotor. Just set it a little advanced by eye. I've stabbed and re-stabbed my MSD at least a half dozen times that way and it started right up every time.
The MSD 8362 is an electronic distributor and does not have points. Just use a good timing light with the vacuum advance disconnected. The most initial advance you could run will be about 18 degrees, more than that and it could be hard to start.
These 2 gentlemen have give you thescoop on the whole shebag, just start cruzin' after the installation.
These 2 gentlemen have give you thescoop on the whole shebag, just start cruzin' after the installation.
For a first fire where you want ever thing "on" first up, cranking with the plugs out will let you use the timing lite to set that magic 16deg initial. Measure the balancer circumfrence, divide by 20 and set that distance back from the TDC mark.
As Screamin' says, cruzin with your sweetie is a very important part of settling in a new engine.

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