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Short Chevy water pump

Does anyone know if the old style chevy short water pump will work on a 1988 model 350 engine? All I know about the engine is it was a TBI engine out of an 88 Chevy van. Just need to know if the short pump will work and if the crank pulley can be swapped out to match up. Thanks ahead of time.
Yes indeedy it will. You will also have to change alternator mounting too. But the pulleys to line everything up are easy to find. Bob fell asleep at the wheel!!LOL
Not sure when but I think serpentine belt engines were all reverse rotation water pumps.It should be easy to see if the front drive stuff is still on it.
Yes indeedy it will. You will also have to change alternator mounting too. But the pulleys to line everything up are easy to find. Bob fell asleep at the wheel!!LOL
Yes he's been working too hard on his purdy t-bucket! Also I'm going to bolt it to a BOP turbo 350 and I'll have to figure our what flex plate / starter combo to use. I planned on using an old 307 that I have that runs great but the more I think about it I know I'll wish I had a little more motor! So I found this one out of a wrecked city owned work truck.

5 something for a short pump, 7 something for the long....
7.287 inches, and the short water pump measures in at 5.626 inches
Had to look it up....
Off to the Dyno Room!

Gotta be careful here....The serpentine belt setup uses a reverse rotation pump I believe....
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Measure from where the pump bolts to the motor to where the pulley bolts....and see in that dimension lines up with the other pulleys....I had to look at my little cheat card in my desk drawer.
Measure from where the pump bolts to the motor to where the pulley bolts....and see in that dimension lines up with the other pulleys....I had to look at my little cheat card in my desk drawer.
Right now the engine still has the serpentine pulley on the water pump and crank. I've already cut my frame rails when I decided to swap engines. I planned the engine compartment as compact as I could get it, planning on using the 307 with short water pump. So what I'm wanting to know is will the late model 88 engine be able to use the short pump and find a crank pulley to match up. If I have to use a long pump I will be right up on the radiator. I just don't like the gaps behind/in front of the engine so I designed it very tight. I stumbled across this 350 on trade and decided to go a little more hot rod with the car. Hope to find an old offy single 4 tunnel ram for it at a big swap meet here in a few weeks. Do you think the short pump will work and be able to find the right crank pulley?
The 350 in my sedan was a fairly late model crate engine. It has the 2 piece rear seal. I put the shorter pump on it with the correct balancer. I did have to shim the lower pulley out about 1/8". I built my own alternator mount, and I am not running ps or ac. Also running single belt pulleys. The balancer is the larger one, maybe 8".
The engine doesn't care weather its a reverse pump or not. Coolant still flows through the engine the same. The difference with a reverse pump is on most serpentine setups from the factory the pump spins in the opposite direction. So the impeller is designed to pump only in one direction. If you put a standard short pump on it and dont spin it backwards on a serpintine setup you will be fine. I think most people were dancing around the actual question.
No dancing on my end , the lower crank pulley from the 307 might line up with a short pump pulley ,assuming the 307 had a short pump originally.If you put the short pump on with the serpintine belt setup the pulleys will not line up,sooo you don't have to worry about spinning the short pump backwards by mistake.Go to your local junkyard with a tape measure. best of luck
Does anyone know if the old style chevy short water pump will work on a 1988 model 350 engine? All I know about the engine is it was a TBI engine out of an 88 Chevy van. Just need to know if the short pump will work and if the crank pulley can be swapped out to match up. Thanks ahead of time.
Well....I don't dance....I shuffle....Yes, a short waterpump will bolt on,and yes the crank pulleys can be swapped....
Hope to find an old offy single 4 tunnel ram for it at a big swap meet here in a few weeks. Do you think the short pump will work and be able to find the right crank pulley?

As long as the Tunnelram will work with the heads you have to remember, Chevy started jacking around with the manifold face bolts. I like the TR's with the single 4 tops, great intakes! Works great on the boats, alot of low end torque, fairly flat torque curve, good top end.

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