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Side Mirrors


New Member
I ordered two different sets of side mirrors from Speedway. Neither one worked. The first one when directly into the body, that isnt what I want to do. The second one went into the wind shield mounting hole, it was the right size bolt but the wrong course thread. Neither one was advertised very well. Anyway the cost for shipping just keep adding up and I still dont have a set of mirrors. Does anyone have a set of mirrors that can recommend? Maybe a part number or post a link.

The clamp on ones from speedway will work still have a brass one didn't like it. But i ended getting one from snyders antique parts expensive but a+ quality. this is the one I have they do have others also.
Does your windshield post have that pot-metal slug inside that is tapped for the mounting screws? If so, you can do what I did to use the mirrors that screw in to the post. I pulled out the slug and filled the existing tapped hole with JB Weld. It's actually tougher than the pot metal. I then re-drilled and tapped the hole with the proper thread for the mirror. You need to be careful not to over-torque the mirror stem when you screw it in there, because the JB Weld/pot metal is pretty soft and can't take much torque (don't ask how I know :o). I applied blue Loctite, screwed in the mirror stems finger tight, then used a shorty wrench and one finger to apply about a 1/4 turn of final torque. They have held up for three years.
I used clamp on stem motorcycle mirrors, and a correct sized bolt with the head cut off for a stem. At some point I'll get some stainless bolts and polish them.

Now that's a nice reflection on you. :thumbsup: Sorry, Icouldnt help myself...

Mr. Fixit

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