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So much for Spring


Well-Known Member
Methinks the groundhog lied to us.


I'm really hoping that since we are on the edge of the 3-6" range, we will not have much more than 6" of the stuff. The bad news is I just heard them say the Indianapolis area forecast has been bumped up into the 10" range, so we might get it a lot worse than we hoped.

I am really sick of Winter... :x3:
Like the Quaker said, "better ye than thee". LOL

Here in NW Pa our average snow fall is 96 in. This year up until Feb 1 we only had 10 in. Feb and March 90 in, yesterday was the first day without snow in over a week. Supposed to start gradually warming 35-38 deg for highs. So much for global warming.
We're supposed to get 2-4" in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio (Akron area). Well, if things get too bad we can always eat the groundhog!
Like the Quaker said, "better ye than thee". LOL
I think you meant, "better thee than me." ;)

It's melting off, fast. Our forecast is 40° for today, 45° for tomorrow, 50° for Friday and 55° for Saturday.

It was a long night, Sunday night / Monday morning. We went out to start moving snow from building entrances at 3:00 AM and worked until 8:30, after going in 30 minutes early on Sunday evening. My tail was dragging, by the time I got home.

I was transferred, across the street to another building, Monday night. And I am dancing the happy dance. :thumbsup: I only have about 30% of the responsibilities I had at the other building, which is a tremendous relief. I was starting to feel like the proverbial, borrowed mule, to be honest.
We had 30 inches in Indep. 28 degrees now finally going to warm up. Cabin fever has set in so bad I go out to the garage every day and just stand and look at my t.

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