AZCOWBO said:Many of their parts are manufactured in China, where there is little quality control on steel production on many items. That is the reason when you buy hand tools made in China, they are inexpensive, along with cheap labor of course, and they wear out or break easily.
Yep, there is no question Speedway buys some of it's stuff from do tons of other American companies. There is a good reason for that. You and I (the American Consumer) have forced them to do that to remain competitive. We have done it to ourselves.
When I was younger we bought from local merchants who bought and sold American products for the most part. You could go into the local hardware store and find good products and a salesperson who actually knew how to install and/or use that product. Then the Walmart's of the world came into being and we suddenly started wanting better prices and more selections. Mom and Pop stores couldn't compete because the huge discounters buy by the trainload. Pretty soon the small stores started to dry up.
Now, 50 years later we suddenly are PO'd that all of our jobs are going to other countries and the places where we buy stuff buy their supplies from those same countries. You and I did it to ourselves. We can kid ourselves and say we "only buy American" but that is just to make ourselves feel good. I take the blame for looking for the best price myself, and shopping at the Walmart's, K Marts, and other places like Autozone, Advanced Auto, etc. We have even forced the once solid NAPA to start buying overseas crap and to start limiting their inventory to fast turnaround items.
So the next time we go into one of the discount stores and bitch because there is no one to help us, or the person who does come over knows zip about what we are buying, we need to look in the mirror because that face staring back at us is who caused this mess in the first place.
Soapbox now put away.
