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Speedway reverse corvair mount ?


I have the mount that comes in a 2" or 4" and was wondering which way it mounts? If i get this and the headlight mounts welded in i can finish the front of the frame off and get the brake lines ran and the engine in !

Or if its easier.................Is the inside or outside lower than the other, I dont remember

Its either one of these pics..................................


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Nevermind i found a correct pic finally.................. Just put the single hole towards the firewall and its correct.
Do you have the box?

Before you weld that on, mount the box AND the body. Then you won't have to cut it off and move it back 1/4 inch because it digs into the body....sadly learned from experience.

Oh yeah, I forgot, the engine with headers should also be in, or you may run into issues with the box not clearing the headers, another experience item...
Man am I glad I found this post. I've been wrestling with how/if to mount a reverse box for weeks.
Where did you get that mount??? Speedway???
What do you mean by 2" or 4"?
After pondering this whole deal for the last few day's I almost decided to go Vega,, but when we put the tie rod in & I jumped on the frame to check if it would hit the rod, it came close enough for me to decide to go back to the Corvair. Plus it would have added cost again changing every thing over. Of course that meant looking at how to mount the box where would it poke thru the firewall etc etc,,, that's where all the fun has come into play. I agree,, the motor/trans should be in place as well as the body at least in position. I was real concerned about header clearance. If you weld it all up early then have to move it it's gonna be a bear and hard to hide ha ha ha .

If anyone has photo's of the Reverse Corvair box installed please post them. I need the visual's.
Later wrench heads,
Dont buy the 4" one save yourself 10 bucks.......... I cut 2" off of my 4" one ! Here are the pics for it.....................................

(they just added the installed pic, I swear it wasnt there when i ordered it!!!),60764.html

The reason i need it on there is cause my guy is coming for the chassis for the cage, And no i dont have the box and my engine is in the machine shop! I will notch the body if it comes to that to keep it away from the engine.
Joe it looks like if the motor doesn't stick out over the frame you should be ok. Look at the hole for the trans to be sure. Looking real good. I think I'm going to have to skip over my door for a while for motivation to get out and work!
I never really cared for a steering box located so close to the headers because the heat can melt the box grease,( a real problem in the old racing days). Just a heads up.
Will high temp grease help ? Cause i hate the floor mounted columns cause i use 2 feet to drive so i need the room.
That mount doesn't look like the one in the photos at the top of the thread. Did you make it? I also noticed there is a spacer to tilt the gear box and a small spot of chipped paint on the body. Is the chip from the pitman arm? Why the spacer? Do you have any foot room on the left side of the steering column? I was going to paint my frame blue & body yellow. Ya beat me to it ha ha ha .
Look at who posted the pic. RPM was giving me a pic to show what the box needs to look like mounted. So yes you are correct different people and mount styles.
well my dad never ceases to amaze me......................

I was getting ready to order a reverse corvair box from rpm last week. Then my dad tells me he has one and its even a reverse ! So i went to his house this morning finally and sure enough after fixing his pro street elky i found my gold mine. A reverse aluminum cased corvair box....................................

so here are pics requested mounted on the speedway mount. (it was the 4" but i cut it to 2")


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Looks pretty good dude !!!! Makes me want to get back over to my buddies and get to work on the frame. I'm just about finished with hanging the rear axle,,, need to get two more traction bars from the machine shop and check alignment then weld it up. The first two rods were too long to give the needed side clearance I'm comfortable with. The Heim joint may have bound up if there was too much side movement. Can't wait to upload some photo's of the setup. Four bar triangulated :)
One thing I'm curious about,,, looking at the how that mount works,,, I like the way the pitman arm is well beyond the side of the frame,,, I'm a bit concerned at how close the steering column will be to the side of the body. Looks like it's will be right at the edge ???
One thing I'm curious about,,, looking at the how that mount works,,, I like the way the pitman arm is well beyond the side of the frame,,, I'm a bit concerned at how close the steering column will be to the side of the body. Looks like it's will be right at the edge ???

Thats funny you should post that !!! I was just getting ready to say dont waste your $80.00 on this P.O.S !!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes it places the column on my frame on the corner of the firewall so all i got left is the top plate left cause i been cutting it the last 4 hours trying to make it work.

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