Hi everyone, I am the guy that designed and manufactures Steer Clear. I found this forum by tracking traffic to my website. I have been building custom cars for 30 years and owner of Wizard Fabrication for 20. I look forward to answering any questions or concerns that anyone might have. First off it seems that some people have a instant distrust of the use of chain in a steering application, but are not sure why. truth is that chains have been used to steer stuff as long as any other method. You can find then in everything form air planes to heavy equipment and a very long list of other vehicles. Steer Clear has been installed in a 200 MPH roadster for Gean Winfield to run at the Bonneville Salt Flats My link, and 2 other 200 MPH cars. 3 years of R&D went in to it's design. The things are indestructible, constantly tested, and lifetime guaranteed, I could go on and on but I don't want to break any terms of use on this board, and am sorry if I already did. I look forward to any further questions or comments. Thanks Dave