Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Still here just looking....


Not that I post alot but while reading I spotted the notice and thought I would send something to remove it. I have been very busy lately at work and working on a new shop at the house. I plan on pouring the floor next Monday, then the real fun starts. I have only had time for a few rides but everything is still working on the car so all is good. Keep posting, I still look as often as I can.

We appreciate garage pics to. Post them when done. Are you installing A/C in the shop?
AC, I need a good heater. this is still august and there has been fresh snow on the mountain tops , Tetons and Wasach . where's the global warming?
Hey Randall,
Good luck with new shop.Let me know if you need help
watching that cement dry!:lol:I'll bring the cold ones.
Had to put in new flexplate:confused: she's as loud as ever!:eek: C

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