Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Sun Ts T Party, Mar 21, 2001


New Member
Sun Ts T Party, Mar 21, 2009

:thumbsup: Check out the, T events forum for details, we would love to have you join us in Old Town Kississimee
Duh.......2009...I lost my head....

:o getting ready for a cruise and forgot what I was typing..all fixed now...LOL.......:cool:
almost time people...make sure to mark the date and time (1 o'clock)
for the guys outside of florida there will be pic's.

Jim,I'll save 3 spots
wrenchbender63,and anyone else in the area...
having your car there is good.....having you there is better.
Come hang out and put faces to names,I've been in the swamps
for 4 years and make all the meetings(oldtown/turkey run/NSRA tampa)
and have yet to have my car there.

Come out and sit (bring chair) bench race, look around, tell lies:lol:

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