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T-Bucket Frame ID.

Old Guy

Is there a way to identify the builder of my bucket's frame? The guy I bought it from, got it in a package deal at an auction. He told me that he was told it was made by Performance Products. I Googled Performance Products and didn't seem to get anything useful. I've been curious about the use of VW bug front torsion bar for rear suspension. I did a search of this forum and got some results (maybe). There was a member named Corley who said he was building 27 T-Bucket and he was going to use VW bug suspension on it. His first post was May 2010....his last post was May 2011. He had zero likes. He seemed quite unusual. He said he lived in WA. My Bucket's speedo reads km/hr. The fuel gauge reads "Petrol". Like maybe it was headed for Canada or Mexico. The car has quite a few "strange" features. My T-Bucket is titled 1927 Ford roadster. Just curious.
There was an outfit in Minneapolis area called MAS Roadster . . . sold T-bucket parts, but I don't know about frames. Anybody remember them?
There was an outfit in Minneapolis area called MAS Roadster . . . sold T-bucket parts, but I don't know about frames. Anybody remember them?

Yea. They didn't sell T Bucket frames.

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