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t bucket rookie


New Member
wazzup! justgot a sbc 4bolt main as a start on a t bucket rat rod project n thought I could get some help n ideas from a forum like this.

somthing funny I wanted to point out, HAceT sayes ''Any day above ground is a good day'',I happen to be an underground coal miner.haha!
You have come to the right place, There are a lot of knowledgeable people here you got questioms we got answers,ask away:welcome:..Francis
WELCOME to the forum, you'll find plenty of help and ideas here!
Welcome, I bet you run out of money before we run out of ideas. :D

welcome from minnesnowta!!

Welcome to the forum egrimes22, if you're looking for ideas you've come to the right place.

LumenAl, your link isn't working.

Welcome to the site. I just got here myself and have been surfing the site for idea and answers. I am happy to say that I have been learning a lot!

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