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T Fever Fred where are you?

O.K., here goes the weekly, Sunday evening, "Where's Fred", brought to you by the producers of "Where's Waldo", coming to you in 2010 at a theatre, video store, and corner DVD pirates, everywhere.

In addition, sponsoring this vast search of the internet, United States, and the World are the T.V. production companies of "Lost", "Lost in Space" (he might be), and the record producers of "Lost in the O Zone Again".

Many thanks also to the F.B.I., C.I.A., I.R.S., and all other three letter agencies of the U.S.A., for their unusual, immediate, rapt attention to large ammounts of cash missing from the Texas state area in conjunction wth the disappearence of said Fred. Fred is considered a "person of interest" only at this time and has not been formally charged. They would like to speak to Fred A.S.A.P.

Tune in next week to find out where Fred has been, is, or will be. Throw in might be.

Finding Duke's Red 27T in Bend, Oregon might be easier.


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