Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

T-minus twelve days

Mike ,count me in for a monthly donation, i really enjoy reading what others have done ,and ive got alot of ideas, to get my bucket moving along
I've been a member here for 7 years, I'm in my 70's living on a small pension and SS and while money is tight I still manage to find $50.00 to make an annual contribution. I don't build cars any more and I don't give advice because I can't trust my memory. I'm like that old guy that greets you at the door at Walmart, when someone new joins the forum I welcome them. I come here to read about what other people are building, it brings back memories. It's funny because I've gotten more computer help and advice here then anything else. If this damn computer was half as dependable as my bucket life would be so much easier. Nothing goes on forever, the reality of that started sinking in when my life long friends started dying off so while I'd miss the place I'm not going to lose any sleep over it if you pull the plug. I know you have other forums, does the money from this one support them or are they financed independently?
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Different people take different roles in a forum community, and being the greeter at the door is a vital role. Always remember that.

No, the funds generated by this site are used strictly for this site. My other sites tote their own water.

And I am happy to know we've helped you with computer issues, as well. Since we all use a computer to access this site, having a system that works well is important. In spite of what people might think, I really like being able to help other people.

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