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Thanks to everybody here


New Member
Hi fellas

I haven't posted or worked on my project for a while and wanted to say thanks for all the help so far. The last few weeks have been rough as heck and looks like it's about to get worse. Two of my big builders I do business with filed for bankruptcy and they owed me so much money that I'm declaring bankruptcy myself and my wife and I are loosing the house, both vehicles and all our assets.

At this time it would be foolish to continue with a project like this given the responsibility I have in front of me. Things had been going very well up until this point. It really sucks! Having not been paid for so long I kept spending everything I had to keep it a float then the banks started calling. After so long they start to send letters until one day they turn it over to an attorney. I was convinced the contractors were going to pay me because they said they were going to and I guess I had no choice but to try like hell to keep my own business going. I wouldn't wish this upon anybody.

Anyhow, the T bucket isn't a total wash because not only did we manage to get this far on the project with out spending much at all but my son and I had a really fun time working on it together. That's something in and of itself that's worth it. I just wanted to explain why I havn't been around lately and working so much trying to save my house etc.

I would also like to just say thanks! And that's for everybody here who answered our questions and kept us motivated, you guys are awesome and we couldn't of done it without you. I wish the story could of ended a little better but it is what it is and maybe someday my son and I will be back.

Thanks again for all the past help and my God bless all you folks in the new year!

Mike and Henry
I'm sorry to read about your situation, Mike. I hope things turn around for you in the new year. There will never be any shame in taking care of family first. These cars are toys and have to be treated as such when it comes to taking care of business. I hope you still come to the site and chime in when you can. Owning a T is not a requirement for hanging out.

Good luck in the future. I know things are going to work out for you.
Nice chatting with you the last few months hoping we would be to meet with our buckets at a show some time. But family comes first every thing else takes a back seat. Keep in touch and maybe see you at a show sometime.
Mike: I don't have any great words of encouragement but a prayer for you and you family. Keep in touch. So much of this happening these days.
Sorry for what your going through, hope things get better soon.
I'm sorry to hear about the troubles you and your family are going through, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Even though we've never met I consider you a friend and always looked forward to reading the latest update about your and Henry's build. I hope you will continue to post here, the values you bring far outweigh any project you may or may not be working on.
Wow, how does one respond to this level of hardship being suffered by a friend? I'm sorry to hear things are going so poorly for you. But a piece of advice is to not stand there looking at the closed door, because you might miss the other doors that are opening up to you.

I will keep your family in my prayers.
Mike and Henry .... At 64 i have had to start over more than once. At times like this you need to set your priorities. You impress me as one who will keep going no matter what it takes. It's obvious you have become a welcomes brother in the ranks here and i concure. My prayers and best wishes are with you and yours at this time. Now for a thought to ponder ... having to liquidate things to go ahead is a must. Don't make the same mistake i did an sell everything before the dust has a chance to settle. You stated you don't have much in your build at this point. Selling it now is only going to return pennies on the dollar. Hold off as long as you can.

Well sir... we haven't interacted here but I feel bad for you and your family.
I hope that you have the support of your family. If you can stick together through this you will be able to overcome just about anything. Health and the love of family is what's important. The rest IS just stuff.
I haven't been in your position.. yet. However, I have had decades of having nothing to lose as far as "stuff".
And now that I do have some "stuff" I expect to be losing all of my it soon (upcoming divorce).
Life will go on.

I hope you can be strong.
Take stock of what counts.
Hold on to that tighter than anything else in the world.
It's all you can take with you from this world.

New days will bring new opportunities. Be open to them.

Take care,
Well sir... we haven't interacted here but I feel bad for you and your family.
I hope that you have the support of your family. If you can stick together through this you will be able to overcome just about anything. Health and the love of family is what's important. The rest IS just stuff.
I haven't been in your position.. yet. However, I have had decades of having nothing to lose as far as "stuff".
And now that I do have some "stuff" I expect to be losing all of my it soon (upcoming divorce).
Life will go on.

I hope you can be strong.
Take stock of what counts.
Hold on to that tighter than anything else in the world.
It's all you can take with you from this world.

New days will bring new opportunities. Be open to them.

Take care,
I'm sorry to here about all of that and I am in the same boat had to move the family and me back home to take care of mom and pops,had to buy something cheap to drive,the bank decided they wanted the house and truck anyway, Keep your head up and take it one day at a time. Good Luck
It's been a while and thought I would visit you guys. Looks like a few of you are moving right along with the projects! That's awesome!!!

I have not sold my bucket project, and the bank will have to peel it from my dead hands before I give it up. Things are looking better for my family. After an emotional roller-coaster my wife and I and kids are now closer than we have ever been and we are looking forward to starting over and keep plugging away at life.

The house and cars are gone, and someday we will recover but until then were just trying to be the best family we can. Thanks for all the kind words here, I knew when I joined this forum it was full of great people with good morals and values, and it shows!

I have set some pretty ambitious goals for the new year and by the end of 2010 my son and want to be back to working together on the project. It's hard sometimes though, Henry still asks if we can go work on the bucket project and is too young to understand what's happening. What we do however, is draw pictures of T-buckets and watch videos about buckets on Youtube, and that seems to be working. Henry is an awesome kid and I can't wait to one day finish it and give it to him when he is old enough.

Other than that, it's cold as heck in Wisconsin but the winter can't last forever.

One note for those struggling with their mortgage! The bankb did offer the new Obama mortgage restructuring plan and advised me to apply for it to save the house. I spent hours and hours applying and making phone calls to find out I was denied. I couldn't understand why so I started doing some research and found out of all the people who apply for this miracle cure from the current administration only 4.7% actually get the modified mortgage. Keep in mind my wife has a good job, and until now we have had a long history of perfect credit. How is that for ironic.

Anyhow, keep building and have fun!

Mike & Henry
One note for those struggling with their mortgage! The bankb did offer the new Obama mortgage restructuring plan and advised me to apply for it to save the house. I spent hours and hours applying and making phone calls to find out I was denied. I couldn't understand why so I started doing some research and found out of all the people who apply for this miracle cure from the current administration only 4.7% actually get the modified mortgage.

Mike, your attitude tells alot about the kind of person you are. The situation with the modified mortgage
should be forwarded to your Congressman. I know you have enough on your plate, but it's time for you to receive instead of give. I hope you have time to follow up on this and the results are good. I will not elaborate on all the injustices out there, since my main concern is with a fellow Bucketeer. A little advise, a hand written letter has a lot more influence than an electronic message. I am really trying to keep this to the point. Maybe, I should say, please keep us informed in the event we might be able to offer more than advise.

good luck,
I did!

I contacted 1 Senator, 2 congressman, and one guy running for Governor. Senator Feingolds secretary laughed it off and said everyone is going through tough times and I was to hang in their.

It's a funny thing really,ONE of them called me at home and we talked for an hour. One person!!!! I have a meeting with him next week and he is going to have a couple people in the office with us to look at everything and hear my story. I can't believe how proactive he was to help me out, I mean this guy was genuinely concerned for my well being and also commented on how the system is falling apart, but he really wanted to help me and was willing to cancel everything on his schedule to meet with me.

It should be interesting,I can't wait to show him my monthly records of how my business is actually growing but I was still denied!

I guess I just don't want to have this happen to another family. I'll just have to see how it goes.


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