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Maybe if you cut the firewall out you could 'persuade' the body around the frame. Then put the firewall back with fixing in case you have to remove the body again.
Trouble with cutting bodies in half you nearly always see witness marks for ever after and they tend to 'droop' either side of the cut line.

Its one of the reason that the mould used for mine had the top of the scuttle as a separate piece which bolted on at the finesse lines each side. Ones where they split it in the middle f the scuttle (in my experience) always seem after a while to droop in the middle.
Just a thought
I'm going to put padding on the cage to protect my hard head. Lol
When I started readying your replay, I thought surely you were going say .... to protect the roll bar from your hard head ! LOL !!!
Yes they do:cool:

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