Swampdog, PotvinGuy... I to hope it doesn't go that route but there are ways to control access. I never had a FB account and never intended to. My helicopter company set one up and it was open for anyone to read on request to join. No real problems other then people I never heard of and links to their FB account. So I just refused to join and it really bothered me not to be able to add or correct unit history. Finally they closed it to anyone other then members of the company, surviving family members and a few that we either supported or saved our backsides at times. Most all have a regular FB account but we don't see anything from their sites. I still wasn't convinced so I set up an account and my first post told of my concerns and I would not friend anyone. If you want to talk or email me then send me a private message and I'll get you that information. I also said there would be zero on my personal profile and that meant zero! Got about 20+ requests and I reminded them of my policy. Has worked out great. Have run across a lot of lost friends and have seen a lot that have passed on in the last year. Also by having that policy I realized I could view a lot of very interesting technical, hot rod, firearms, aviation, engineering and BS sites and never have to join. With that in mind I created a total false person and friended my family of two so I could check on what's going on while I'm away on my job. No one knows anything and I get zero friend request. So if you can live with those kind of rules that you set and control then FB can be a great tool. You just have to control the urge to join other peoples sites and get friended. Worth a thought for research or just looking around. Probably not T-bucket forum friendly as I don't know how you could post a tech section, suspension system..... Hope that will give others something to think about.