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thursday music time...


Active Member
Thats when she told me a story about free milk and a cow
No huggy no kissy till I get a wedding vow
thats when she started talking about true love, started talking about sin
Georgia Sats...
How about another Dan Baird song?

I had a certain teacher,
I always tried to impress her
When she stood up in the classroom,
I would mentally undress her
Then one day I decided,
that I would write a little letter
She said the spellin' was a masterpiece,
the punctuation could be better
I understood what she was saying,
I got the gist of her sentiment
She said "I don't mean to be degrading,
"but here's the way that it should've went:"
"I love you period"
Here ya go....:):lol::lol::lol:


Middle part (play different rhythms and variations with the following
chords, switching back to the above beginning chords at appropriate times):



gota love tab!!!! from the looks of it, it has to be in open E tuning... that tab would sound weird in standard tuning!
since no one knew the tab thingie...
led zep. black country woman...

Hey, hey, mama, whats the matter here
Hey, hey, mama, whats the matter here
You didnt have to tell me that you love me so
Y didnt have to love me, mama, let me go
Hey, hey, mama, whats the matter here
You didnt have to make me a total disgrace
Y didnt have to leave me with that beer in my face
Hey, hey, mama, whats the matter here
Uh, thats alright, its awful doggone clear
Sorry, I don't read TAB... I'm one of those classically trained dudes that actually reads and writes music of the real kind. Ya know treble clef and bass clef - transpose for the trumpets - etc.

Somone posted a video a few days ago from our high school band (from 25 years ago) playing an arrangement that I did, along with a drum break completely written by me. I forgot how silly I once was.

The band was marching 4/4 and the drum break was written in alternating 7/8 and 5/8 measures. When you count it, they will sync up perfectly.

Yeah, I was really bored in High School... but a Marching Band playing Carmina Burana was my idea of COOL!

"O Fortuna
velut luna
statu variabilis,
semper crescis
aut decrescis;
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
dissolvit ut glaciem."

You say Carmina, I say Burana... let's Carl the whole thing Orff.
Hey Track-T, You play music to? We have a little jam session at the house about every Friday Night from 7 till. (never can remeber what time we finish) I'm stuck in MA this weekend as I needed the sponsorship for Pocono but next Friday we will jam.

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