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Title a T-Bucket in PA


New Member
Hello all,

Name is Jason. I've been a car nut most of my life. Over the years have stock car raced and, most recently, drag raced. I've decided to "retire" and to sell the dragster. In the meantime I was looking for a new project to occupy my time with and was intorduced to the T-Bucket community along the way. It has piqued my interest enough to want to pursue it further. I have been combing the forums, collecting the plans, buying some of the literature and will be excited to eventually begin! That being said, I live in the extremely Hot Rod unfriendly state of Pennsylvania. Initially I would like to ask what was needed to title a project like this in the state of PA. My brother did a street "dune buggy", from scratch, a few years ago and was put through the wringer over getting it titled. I am assuming it's the same with these? I did like the thread about of going through Spirit with an AK title. I am assuming the hard part (in most states) is aquiring the VIN. Other than that it would be a simple matter of transfer. Any information anybody could convey, about titiling in PA, would be greatly appreciated. Looking forward to sharing pics and ideas along the way!
Welcome Jason! I too left the dragster wars for the buckets, except I had a bucket before the racers. If you aren't a fabricator or want to be one Spirit is a real good way to go. I don't know if RPM can supply originator paperwork yet to make titling easier, but he is also an excellent source for stuff. Both of them support this forum.
Thanks ORF. It was getting too hard to afford. I had difficulty, in this economy, selling the car turn-key. Rather than parting it out, I originally planned on transplanting the big pieces to a street rod chassis and try to market it that way. That's how it all got started. I also quickly read it's probably not a good idea to tranplant 1100 HP into a T-Bucket to begin with, lol! Afterwards, I decided to part the car out and build the bucket anyway. To be honest I enjoy the building more than the racing anyway. I am a fabricator, have a chassis jig, TIG, and the like and always enjoy a reason to use them. I am looking to fab my own chassis but not totally engineer one. So I have been reading alot of the chassis section of this forum on which plans are most often used. I will look to one of the sponsor's sites for the body and parts I won't be fabricating. The upolstery and fiberglass work will be new to me. I had a '23 T-Altered and the only 'glass work I had done were repairs or mods to the body. I bought Chester's book, have Youngster's plans but, always looking for more info though. Any reccomendations are greatly appreciated! I am familar with Speedway's offerings. I was just checking out Spirit's site...nice stuff!! I have always found that no matter what I was building, if appraoched with some common sense and if I kept close to the "mean average", the internet is a great place for information, making new friends, and avoiding the costly mistakes someone new could fall prey to. And it would appear this community is no different. Lots of experience and individuals more than happy to share it! Awesome...
Hi Jason where are you located in Pa? I am in NW Pa near Meadville. I am curently in the middle of a T Bucket build. I used the California Custom Roadster plans and modafied them to my needs. Purchased my body first from Class Glass & Performance inCumberland Maryland. I then constructed a frame using 2x4 lumber and the front cross member tube I intended to use on the finished frame. Worked out great I could adjust the frame as deeded for the look I was after. My body came with a Manufacturers Statement of oragin and a serial number. Good luck on your build.
Hi vand! I am in the Northeast about one mile "as the crow flies" from the Intersection of I-80 and I-81. Sounds like you are off to a fine start! I need to make some room in the shop before I can get started by getting rid of some of this other hardware. I like the wood frame idea. Did you pick the body up or have it shipped? Thanks and best of luck regarding your build as well!
Had the body shipped. Don't know how they did it but shipping to my door was only $100.00. Less than gas for my truck round trip plus 4 hrs drive time.

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