Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Top posting bottom run


Well-Known Member
After a few weeks on the forum I have noticed that the most popular forum (Lounge) is always at the bottom or near the bottom of the page. Just wondered why?.
As it has almost 5 times the amount of traffic that all the other subjects you would think it would be the top bar on the forums page.
It may be that the way to get people to look at all the subjects is to put it at the bottom (sales and marketing technique from way back) but I always look over alll the subjects and the new topics every time I log in.
What say all you other Bucketters

I never do that i just click on Portal sat the top and then todays active topics .
I click on forums then hit the new content on the upper right corner. Then you are not looking at the same stuff over and over.
I have a shortcut icon on my desktop that takes me directly to the new posts. I seldom go to the other tabs.
Gerry, I try to place forums with more on-topic content closer to the top of the stack. When the search engine spiders/bots hit a page, they 'read' it the same as you or I - from top to bottom. And some spiders may only be around for mere seconds before they jump back off the page. So I want to get the keyword-rich content up top, so we have a better chance of that information being indexed.

The topics in The Lounge are pretty much all topics members will participate in, but the odds of posts in this forum being as keyword-rich are much lower. From a search engine optimization standpoint, this forum receives a lower priority in the forum order.
Gerry, I try to place forums with more on-topic content closer to the top of the stack. When the search engine spiders/bots hit a page, they 'read' it the same as you or I - from top to bottom. And some spiders may only be around for mere seconds before they jump back off the page. So I want to get the keyword-rich content up top, so we have a better chance of that information being indexed.

The topics in The Lounge are pretty much all topics members will participate in, but the odds of posts in this forum being as keyword-rich are much lower. From a search engine optimization standpoint, this forum receives a lower priority in the forum order.

Just thought I would ask the question. Thanks for reply

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