Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               


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OK I am board and have noticed for a long time the flash adds key on words in the subject line soooooo lets see what this brings "up" . :wub:.....:jawdrop: I hate waiting for parts in the mail ..
OK I am board and have noticed for a long time the flash adds key on words in the subject line soooooo lets see what this brings "up" . :run:.....:hooray: I hate waiting for parts in the mail ..

Yep I search for new shop tools and equipment online. Then for several days after, the flash ads are about those things I had been looking at. Makes you wonder what all and who is tracking what.
I run a program called PeerBlock ( It can be a pain when it blocks stuff I want but it sure blocks a lot of sites from watching and sending.
I can over-ride it by turning it off or allowing sites that it blocks.
It's a bit "techie" but I get VERY little junk.

Waiting for parts IS bad.. but waiting for the time to work on stuff is driving me :hooray:
The ads are contextual and are served to each page based on page content. The TOS prevents discussion on certain aspects of the ads, so I am going to lock this one down to prevent any problems cropping up in the future.
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