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turbo 350 shift point


I tried changing the modulator adjustment and that helped some but i would like it to shift a bit sooner . Any ideas , Gov springs??? other ideas??
They make a street racing modulator.....that'll get you up a little..... the springs will get ya up a little you can always go the B&M transpak route........shift that puppy manually!!!!!!:cool:
I am no trans guy either but their has to be. Its really not bad it has a shift kit this may be part of the problem. When it shifts from first to second their is allways a little tire scratch i like that. So mabye i cant have it both ways. I drove the wifes firebird today and the shift isnt much diff than hers. Mabye its just being in an open air car it just seems longer.
In open air cars you get that wonderful sound of the motor.

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