Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Upgrade Special for DynoSim 5 to Dynomation 6

Believe me ,I've no problem with the performance , car will carry the left frt. from a 10 mph roll. , I'm just a bit surprised that with all the bad press about TR on the street , that there was no change.
I've been working with Larry Atherton (Lead Software Developer and Author) on a few problems with
the new upgrades to version 6 of Dynomation. The graphs took a decidedly down turn from version
6.03.01 to 6.03.02. After about a dozen emails, we have a new upgrade from 6.03.02 to 6.03.03, where
he fixed a significant problem with the same simulation in both versions (from .01 to .02). The problem
started when I noticed a problem with Unforgiven's graphs. Been working with Unforgiven and I
noticed a most decidedly less in the TQ/HP curves between the same engine in versions .01 to .02. Well
after several emails, Larry Atherton discovered the problem, the latest version .03 fixed the problem.

Before and after the problem.


When anyone upgrades, they see the changes made ........

Dynomation6 Release Update
The current update version is 6.03.03, 2/8/2019 Release


This following are the changes or additions in current and
previous version of Dynomation6:

Current Version 6.03.03 (February 8th, 2019):
* Modifications improve turbo modeling, especially when
running engine test ranges with a high StartRpm.
--------- Thanks Vincent Maida!

* Additional improvements have been made in calculating
optimum minimum port areas for both Intake and
Exhaust. This helps both FE and WA users, since you
can now refer to the Sim Log and view optimum area
suggestions (the SimLog can be displayed by selecting
it from the Simulation menu located at the top of the
main program screen).
* Corrected a bug that would substantially alter sim
requirements for minimum port areas when using forced
induction (there are sill minor area changes due to
pressure variations across the valves, but in most
cases these can be ignored during design/tuning).
* Bug in the CamMath Calculator that prevented trans-
ferring event data to Secondary timing points was
corrected. Also corrections to the CamManager when
converting Lobe-Profiles to 10-point timing before
modifying valve events, etc.
---------- Thanks Rick Miller!

* Added validation for simulation Engine-Test Rpm Range
points. You can enter any Start and Finish RPM value you
wish, but if it is not an exact multiple of the Step RPM
(engine speed increase between power test points), the
entered value will be adjusted and a message box will
alert you of the change.

In one of his emails he wrote ......


Glad to be of help!

I really appreciate your clear, detailed questions and explanations. Makes my job much easier.

I’ll answer your other questions a little later today; I’m in the middle of a project right now.

Well it's a good thing I didn't have more graphs .... the X above is included below.

Way to go! Will he give you a discount and on the next upgrade? Lol

Time will tell, but I got a $100 off the first upgrade from DynoSim5 to Dynomation6 after asking...... see first post above.

     Ron Pope Motorsports                Advertise with Us!     