Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Vacation time Boys


Well i will be back in a couple of weeks boys susan is making me go to Hawaii for 2 weeks. So if she doesnt take her laptop i will be back on the 8th of october.:cool::cool::cool::cool:
are you going to write any verses while out there? Enjoy
I am always lookin for materal for new verses. I think this is one that will need to be used. All thongs are to be examined and rated by a one to ten system. Rooster chapter 21 verse 1.
rooster57 said:
I am always lookin for materal for new verses. I think this is one that will need to be used. All thongs are to be examined and rated by a one to ten system. Rooster chapter 21 verse 1.

We will need pics of the "THONGS" that inspire you. :D
"susan is making me go to Hawaii for 2 weeks"

Really? :D :think: Surely there must be some way out of being forced to go to Hawaii.:dummy:
This year is her choice. i will get through it as best i can. Ron thong pics will require a new catagory. Or we could post them in rearends i guess???? Runnin gear ??? Bumpers and trim??? We will figure our somethin.
You can post pics of the thongs, just as long it isn't a pic of a Rooster in a thong!:eek: If you post pics of others in them, only post the ones rated from 5 - 10. You can keep the 1 - 5 in your personal collection !! Make sure you bring your sunglasses. Getting caught looking at all the other women will make for a bad vacation. Enjoy your vacation!

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