IF, time is not a object, I'd say take your time and look around. This is a buyers market now. Theres alot of folks that have lost their jobs, are retraining to keep their jobs, alot of folks selling their houses and extra cars. This is where folks are selling to recoup some of their money. Usually, its best to buy in the winter, because when these cars are in season, they usually bring more because of the higher demand.
Whatever you do, make sure you contract thru a good, dependable co. Anyplace that has professional people selling these cars, you have to watch your back. Especially in Floroda....theres alot of folks that want to seperate you from your money with shoddy merchandise or no merchandise. Case in point, theres alot of very shady car and bike dealers there.
Its best to go there, kick the tires, look it over carefully, drive it, and if your buying it thru a auction house, be sure they are legit and liscensed. A friend of mine once bought a custom bike from down around Miami, and about 2 weeks later, the bike was pratically falling apart. The place had closed up, moved, no-body knew anything , other than they were a bunch of illegals.
Be sure the papers are in order, THAT IT IS TITLED OR HAS BEEN TITLED! If not, let the buyer beware! There are alot of good cars out there that can be had for less if you shop around, IF THATS WHAT YOU WANT! AS 409 said....is it worth you buying a turnkey car? If YES, take your time and shop around. Look at a bunch of diff. ones....don't buy that first one that pops up!
If it hasn't ever been titled before, they best be will to give you a discount, because that paperwork can be a extreme hassle, these days.