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First off we have 32 Ford coupe, but I like this forum (very much) and read it all the time. Do not care much for other hot rod forums.

Our 32 has close to 10k miles on it and all the suspension was new when we built it. I do wonder about the steering box. It had new four bar, tie rods, etc. but I am not sure about the box. The steering seems to have too much play. I have tried to adjust with the set screw but with no luck. The car drives ok 40-50 mph, better between 55-70. It is not bad but just takes a little work to drive. Am I expecting too much from a straight axle car? The last straight axle I had was a 37 Ford in high school and I probably never got it over 60 mph. It was all stock and shimmied and shook at times.

I am thinking of replacing the box. I have looked on ebay, emailed the for sales. My question is should I buy Chinese. The Chinese boxes are 1/2 of a new flaming river box. I really do like to buy American. Anyone here with experience with the Vega Chinese boxes? Maybe Ron Pope. I hate walmart and almost feel like a traitor when I buy this made in China crap.
First off we have 32 Ford coupe, but I like this forum (very much) and read it all the time. Do not care much for other hot rod forums.

Our 32 has close to 10k miles on it and all the suspension was new when we built it. I do wonder about the steering box. It had new four bar, tie rods, etc. but I am not sure about the box. The steering seems to have too much play. I have tried to adjust with the set screw but with no luck. The car drives ok 40-50 mph, better between 55-70. It is not bad but just takes a little work to drive. Am I expecting too much from a straight axle car? The last straight axle I had was a 37 Ford in high school and I probably never got it over 60 mph. It was all stock and shimmied and shook at times.

I am thinking of replacing the box. I have looked on ebay, emailed the for sales. My question is should I buy Chinese. The Chinese boxes are 1/2 of a new flaming river box. I really do like to buy American. Anyone here with experience with the Vega Chinese boxes? Maybe Ron Pope. I hate walmart and almost feel like a traitor when I buy this made in China crap.

We do have the Vega boxes. They are made over there somewhere. No markings on the box or part, but they could be made in India or China I really don't know. We have sold a lot of these and not had any complaints. My supplier says the this is the same box that Speedway sells for $200. We get $140.00

We will have some at the show in Ohio.
I like the Flaming River Vega boxes. I've been running one on my '27 with a tube straight axle and cross steer. I couldn't be happier. I also am using a Flaming river steering column and joints. No complaints with any of it. I'll by oversees when I have to, but try not to on my suspension and steering parts.

I'm not gonna climb up to high on the "buy American" soapbox, but if we don't seriously support the American companies in our hobby, they'll be out of business and we'll soon be driving Chinese T buckets. That 'aint gonna happen with me.
I like the Flaming River Vega boxes. I've been running one on my '27 with a tube straight axle and cross steer. I couldn't be happier. I also am using a Flaming river steering column and joints. No complaints with any of it. I'll by oversees when I have to, but try not to on my suspension and steering parts.

I'm not gonna climb up to high on the "buy American" soapbox, but if we don't seriously support the American companies in our hobby, they'll be out of business and we'll soon be driving Chinese T buckets. That 'aint gonna happen with me.

I agree with Ben 100%! The only difference on my car is that I used a true Vega box form a junk yard. Works great with nothing ever having been done to it outside of a good clean up.

I have a Flaming River Vega box on my car, and it is nice and tight. No play at all.

guilld, one thing to check on your installation is that the pittman arm is fully seated on the splines of the output shaft. They can loosen up over time without the retaining nut backing off.
Lee just might have your answer there. I had a Model A in the shop with some steering problems. I checked and everything seemed tight and properly installed. When I took the drag link off I found the steering arm to be loose. I got about a turn and a half on the nut. The little coupe handled and drove well on a 50 mile "test" drive.

I have a corvair Flaming River box in my bucket and it is sloppy as heck. I sent it back and they just cranked the nut down making it hard to turn now. I sure wouldn't recommend them.
I have a corvair Flaming River box in my bucket and it is sloppy as heck. I sent it back and they just cranked the nut down making it hard to turn now. I sure wouldn't recommend them.

Who would you send the box back to if it an imported model? I imagine RPM would stand behind it or at lease fix it if you bought it from him, but if you buy it at a show good luck. I'm not trying to say that we should only buy American goods, I'm just saying that many times there is value to buying American that you do not get when you buy the cheaper imported model. This comes in overall quality, customer service, and retaining American jobs which should be important to all of us. Unfortunately, this ship has sailed for many American made products. Ever see any American made light bulbs at the store recently? This is a case of a American invented product that as of today is basically an extinct manufacturing process in the US (incandescent or CFL)

I'm not throwing stones or singling anyone here out, it a huge national issue with no great answer (at least I don't have it). For example, our shop buys some bare imported headers (to our specs) and then we clean, polish, and ceramic coat them for resale. Could we buy these USA made? Perhaps, but if we did we could not get them within a cost range that is marketable as we are competing with already made and coated units from oversees. We feel good that we do much of the process here employing American labor and at the end of the day, we warranty and stand behind it as our product. I do wish we could sell a 100% USA made product. We're looking into it, but as of today it is just isn't feasible.

Don't misunderstand me, there are cases where imported may be OK, I just prefer to know where and who made any of my suspension and steering parts.
OK, I'm stepping down from my soap box now. Sorry for the USA vs Imported diversion. Somehow I just felt like speaking up today.:soapbox:
I am with X-junk, Jim, as I am a buyer of stock parts, used first, then if too bad to fix, which I haven't found, maybe new, but, I am a real tight wad when it comes to my car and spending money that I don't feel is totally necessary... First, check every joint in the whole steering system, takes two people, one at the steering wheel and another at each joint, one at a time, rocking the wheel till you find the slop! If it gets back to the box itself, take it off and check it very closely for any problems, and as was said, check the pitman arm for a real tight connection... AND! don't forget to check the caster, as that will make a car wonder all over the place, along with wide tires wanting to follow the tar strips in the road... just me. :-) Good Luck as GOOD steering is so very important...
I will try to check all the things listed. The car does not wander that bad. It really takes more effort at slow speed. Once you hit 60 mph the car tracks great. Of course if you hit some ridiculious dip or pothole it will dart to one side.
I will try to check all the things listed. The car does not wander that bad. It really takes more effort at slow speed. Once you hit 60 mph the car tracks great. Of course if you hit some ridiculious dip or pothole it will dart to one side.
Sounds like bump steer,that mostly shows up as a dart to the side. It's often from steering rod end at the pitman arm being far above or far below the back rodend of front wishbone,vs being near to it=much less bumpsteer. Most cases nothing to worrey about less it bad dart.

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