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Okay, first off, George Lucas has NOTHING to worry about.:lol: My boss left his digi cam for me to use and it took me a while to figure it out. Like about 3 HOURS!:o I had to set the cam up and there is quite a little spell of me not in the picture, but you can hear Miss Behavin' purr as she makes her way back into picture.

My next venture will be more of the engine, etc. It is what it is. My first effort, but with time, better results are forth coming. So, here ya go.

Damn Dude that brings back old times BUT i never had the Ba##ls to do that.Good job my friend.Now you know that you gave a WOODY to all the guys whose cars are not that far yet right?(Side note there will be be a BUNCH of tickets because of your movie)Great job bro
:lol:Thanks. I guess I need to insert a disclaimer!:lol: Yea, it was not as much fun as when I first did it, but it was fun none the less. I wanted to do another highlighting everything close up, but it was so hard learning how to use the cam that I will try it maybe tomorrow or the next day.

As for the tickets, I'll do like Milner and file them under C.S.!:D
The first time i took mine out(of course the body was on(whats wrong with you texans)And it was REAL hard to walk ifin ya know what i mean.But the rush i got was so cool(by the way i drove it in done shape 5 times till i got it tagged).
Man, Lord knows what I'll be like when I have a body to sit in!:eek: Scarey thoughts, man. REAL scarey.

By the way, driving the chassis, I had a real "not so funny" thought. I played with the thought of building an old style Speedster. Same chassis, but maybe a 4 or straight 6 with a minimal wooden body. A rebuilt 20 something rearend and thin wires all around.:confused: Yea, just a crazy thought.

*Googles 1909 Ford Speedster*;):lol:
neat movie. ime foamin at the bits t get mine going again. oh yea watch out for them galveston skeeters. windshield just mite save ur life mike
Hmmm i do have my old frame and body down at my Brother inlaws house.HHHMMMMMMMMMMM
Rick said:
Hmmm i do have my old frame and body down at my Brother inlaws house.HHHMMMMMMMMMMM

Yup, it wouldn't take much at all to make a little Speedster. Heck, I have a catalog for a company that makes the wooden "body" for it. Gennie early Ford specs!

Hey, when I got to the corner and you can't see me, traffic was coming in the oppisite direction. You should have seen the looks! :lol:One guy tapped his brakes and gave me the ole thumbs up! Priceless!
If anyone is interested, the info and prices on the Speedster kit are on page 132 of Langs catalog. It looks like they have just about every thing for a little "snowed in build" for the winter;).
that had to be the craziest law breaking people scaring un christmasy thing ive ever seen. SO. NEXT TIME COME BY AND PICK ME UP. ILL BRING A MILK CARTON TO SET ON MIKE
Man that was SOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Not condoning it!!!! I'll probably do the same when mine gets to that stage!!!!!! Can't wait. Love the sound of the engine. Great job!

that had to be the craziest law breaking people scaring un christmasy thing ive ever seen. SO. NEXT TIME COME BY AND PICK ME UP. ILL BRING A MILK CARTON TO SET ON MIKE

Well, I got that little wooden seat and it's wide enough. You could hold onto the battery!:lol:
PaulR said:
Man that was SOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Not condoning it!!!! I'll probably do the same when mine gets to that stage!!!!!! Can't wait. Love the sound of the engine. Great job!


Thanks. No, it's not something that should be condoned, but the traffic you see going by is in the opposite lane, heading to the freeway. The distance from the gate to the corner I had to turn, to get on the street in front of my job, is only about 15'. So, it's not as dangerous as it may seem. Plus, the police rarely travel this area.

The engine is a stock 305 SBC, but the headers with the baffles make it sound nice. I don't have a throttle hooked up and she is idling at about 650RPM (I hooked a tach to it). I figure I was doing maybe 10MPH and had my foot on the brake most of the time. Like Rick has said before, these things don't need a lot of power to get moving. There is NO WAY I would have done this with a throttle hooked up.

Well, maybe I would have, but I wouldn't have said anything. LOL
Great stuff Fred. I'm afraid I'll have to wait awhile before I can try anything like that. Looking forward to the day. It was great to see you. You have a wonderful Christmas.

Your friend
Love you pal
Hey Thomas have you been out in the garage working on the car lately?If you have lets get some more pics posted.LOL
Rick, I put my engine and trans in this past weekend. I post some pictures in my gallery. If I don't see you before Christmas you and Shari have a great Christmas.

Your friend
thomas said:
Rick, I put my engine and trans in this past weekend. I post some pictures in my gallery. If I don't see you before Christmas you and Shari have a great Christmas.

Your friend

You're looking good Thomas.Your getting to the "Itchy Point"Ask Fred soon you'll be posting pics with snow on the ground and you'll be turning the corner there in Garden City Where happy for you Thomas and the same to you and your Miss's this holiday season.

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