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Watts Linkage


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Supporting Member
I see a few questions about Watts Linkage vs Pan Hard bar and thought I'd post this link.

The Watts linkage is great, in my opinion, but it may be overkill for street use. My Total P chassis uses it, but it may get in the way of my gas tank choices, due to bracket placement and how the piviot mounts to the rearend.
I took a different approach...

I used an adjustable "four link" set up (not to be confused with a "four bar" set up) like in some drag cars and a "wishbone" locater on my car. The wishbone acts the same as a watts linkage in that you have true vertical movement but there is no interference with trunk floor or gas tank. I have found this to be a very good system and not too complicated to install. It may well be worth considering in your next build.
Re: I took a different approach...

Do you have any pictures or sketches of your adjustable 4 link?

Re: I took a different approach...

EX JUNK said:
I used an adjustable "four link" set up (not to be confused with a "four bar" set up) like in some drag cars and a "wishbone" locater on my car. The wishbone acts the same as a watts linkage in that you have true vertical movement but there is no interference with trunk floor or gas tank. I have found this to be a very good system and not too complicated to install. It may well be worth considering in your next build.

Now you know you just can't be posting this stuff without pictures! We are a very visual lot... we need to see! :lol:

I am not smart enough computer wise to post pictures. I can send them to an individual but can't post them because I'm computer illiterate. I do have lots of pictures in my file and will be more than willing to send to anyone. Or if someone who is a computer genius would like to post my pictures, they are more than welcome to do that. My e-mail address is: ****** (remove the stars.)
adjustable 4 link

Youngster said:
Do you have any pictures or sketches of your adjustable 4 link?


These pictures are from Ex Junk, aka Koala T on NTBA site (Jim Hoffman)...

His chassis is all home made and designed. It is somewhat different than the norm. It has quarter elliptic springs up front made from the front springs from my '37 Chevy and using a four set up with a panhard bar locater.

The frame itself is also different in that I have incorporated a K member to alleviate torsion stress on the rails. It's all constructed with 1 1/2"x 3"x 3/16" wall tubing except some cross members are 1 1/"2x 1 1/2'x 3/16" tube.
The adjustable four link with the wishbone locater, which was the topic of discussion, is shown in the pictures below.

This one shows the wishbone locater:


This one shows the adjustable four link


the last two depict the completed chassis



Anyway, as you can see, Jim really did some outstanding work here and I'm sure he will be happy to answer any questions you may have...

Re: adjustable 4 link

LumenAl said:
It has quarter elliptic springs up front made from the front springs from my '37 Chevy...

I screwed up when I edited the email from Jim... this should have read... It has quarter elliptic springs up front made from the front springs from his '37 Chevy...
Re: adjustable 4 link

Lotsa nice detail here. Pictures like this should be studied. There are a lot of answers for unasked questions. Super work Jim.


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