Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

WAY off topic.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's off topic because we talk T Bucket here, but today I made a drive over to my buddys shop. He's the personification of gearhead. Here's a little video.

WARNING: there are one or two curse words. We were feeling the moment. Also, check my other videos for a little teaser of his '61 Chevy Impala bubble top. She makes her full debut next week at a local cruise. Check out my "rapper/thug" persona!:D:lol: We were havin' big fun in H Town today!:lol:

Wow, Lumen! That's cool as heck! Yea, my mom and dad raised me on MoTown and blues. My mom has 33's still in the original wrapping.

I'll order the wrapping tomorrow, but it may get side tracked to my house for a year or two!:soapbox:
Hey Fred, How about a little extra bubble wrap for the Cobra. that would be an awesome ride across the desert. :soapbox:

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