W10 has killed my mojo. I hate my PC now. There are multiple "drives" listed which don't exist except in some MS coder's fantasy. Periodically I get a msg, complete with a dinging sound, that drive D is not valid. This msg comes back as soon as I clear it. The only way I've found to stop it is to sign out and back in. And drive D is valid; I have an internet radio dongle there. My printer and my router don't show up as part of my system. The app for my router has vanished. Lots of my Word and Excel docs are gone. When I wake up the PC, I get a bunch of notices that I have to clear. W10 is always trying to change my browser to Edge and changing apps for other files. Unbidden tabs pop up in Chrome. I could go on, but I need to take a strong sedative and lie down for a while.