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We hate Windows 10

Thanks ChoppedTop, guess I learned something today. It is possible and the sooner the
better. After 30 days the latest Windows version deletes a folder with the info needed to
return to a previous version. They do this to free up considerable space.
Did you upgrade in the past 30 days?
If it has been less than 30 days since you upgraded to Windows 10, then you can quite
easily downgrade to your previous version of Windows.

To do this, open up the Start menu and select 'Settings', then 'Update & security'. From
there, select 'Recovery' and you'll see either 'Go back to Windows 7' or 'Go back to
Windows 8.1', depending on your previous operating system.

Click the 'Get started' button and the process will begin. You may be asked why you're
uninstalling Windows 10 and downgrading to your previous version of Windows. Once
the process is complete, Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 will be back.
Indy, thanks for the great ideas, which I am going to implement today. My "upgrade" was over 30 days ago, so I guess I can't revert on my own.
I could have died happy with W7. A pox on MS and W10 and the guy who offered it without mentioning the consequences.
Pesky URLs. The internet should be smart enough to figure out what you want. I can talk to Google and get results, but one keystroke off and the machines go belly up. Getting my cranky on today, I am. Actually cranky is my normal state. Cranks of the world, unite!
Ah, Indy, I did it and found this: It details how to eliminate a bunch of annoying W10 crap. My PC is now less an annoyance and more of a useful tool. I also gave MS some "feedback" which I'm sure they will ignore. I now want to lead a crowd with torches on a midnight attack on MS HQ. Who's with me!
I’ve had my torch and pitchfork (among other things) on standby anyways for other unmentionable current events!
Have I mentioned I hate W10? I tried to play a DVD today. Nothing. Found this: "Microsoft neutered Windows Media Player in Windows 10 so it won't play DVDs unless you pay up." Yep, MS wants you to buy a DVD player from them! There are several free players on the internet and I will see if any of them work.
Ya gotta understand, Bill Gates needs more $$. You can't hate W10 more than I do. They want you to pay for MS Office also. So, I installed MS 7 and word, excell and picture manager work just fine.
I tried to play a DVD today. Nothing. Found this: "Microsoft neutered Windows Media Player in Windows 10 so it won't play DVDs unless you pay up."
Try to keep your cool and try not to get bowels in an uproar before you check out the
other possibilities. :)

VLC Quote Below ......
Windows requirements
VLC runs on all versions of Windows, from Windows XP SP3 to the last version of
Windows 10.

VLC Media Player should work and better than any MS player.
Download official VLC media player for Windows - VideoLAN

PotvinGuy ..... if you need a counselor to ease your fears about computers and their
software we could do a video chat for $100/hour. For that price I'm available 24-7 !
Win 10s been good for me. No crashes and does what I want.

Endeavour to adapt..... as they say.
I downloaded both VLC and 5KPlayer. Neither of them will play a DVD. But they both will play a video file already on the PC. I have aged 10 years in the last 2 months. And Linux is looking better each day.
I downloaded both VLC and 5KPlayer. Neither of them will play a DVD.
Any chance the DVD is a Blu-Ray and the DVD player is a standard model?

Can you browse the DVD and look at the files? What's on the DVD?

What happens when you try to play the DVD?
I have "Windows Media Player" that I used with my old system and have it running on Windows 10 now, it will play videos and cd's as well. I don't remember if it came with windows 10 or was transferred over from the old system.
Indy: I tried several SD discs and no luck. Both VLC and 5KPlayer just sit there. When I close them I get a "not responding" msg. The drive keeps making noises, like it is trying to find something. I got WMP and it is no good either; it prompts me to insert a disc, I do and then nothing happens.
When I try to browse to the drive, I get the green line that never stops, so I can't even see what is on the DVDs.
The drive worked fine under W7. W10, at least the mess that I got, has crippled my PC.
I am now taking my 9mm and going out behind the shed. Don't come back there, just call 911 when you hear the shot.
Does the CD drive show up in the "Device Manager" ?

All drives are working just before they fail, you might need another drive. If you have
an extra one, try that. How old is the drive?

Wish I lived closer so I could come over and help!
Yes, it does show in Device Manager. I checked and it had the latest drivers.
Well, the drive is 10 years old. I'll see if I have another one in my pile. Stay tuned. I'll hold off on the 9mm just for you, Indy.

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