Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Welcome back Jim...


Active Member
We need a update and pic's...
We were unable to get on the salt the first day, which was Tuesday, because it was all under water. By Wednesday there was still a lot of water where you get on the salt but it was somewhat drier about a half mile down. The course itself was relatively dry but there was trouble with the clocks on the short course where we were to run. This accounted for over a five hour delay.

In the 130 club where we were competing, you are allowed five runs. The first run is to be kept at about 100 MPH so as to acquaint you with the course. Then you have four additional runs where you must have two runs over 130 MPH but under 139.99 MPH.

The car must be completely street legal and gave a drive shaft loop. Drivers are required long pants and long shirt sleeves and must wear the latest Snell approved helmet. All cars are given a rigid tech inspection before being allowed to compete.

Many of you may think that over 130 MPH but under 139.99 MPH is easy, however, this must be obtained from a standing start over one mile on a surface that has about as much traction as a snow covered street. Many have tried but few succeed.

The car is a 1988 Camaro IROC that we built for open road racing. It is owned by my friend Bob Cox, from Palm Bay Florida. I was the fabricator, wirer, painter and general grunt on the project. I was listed as the crew chief and as a driver along with Bob and his long time friend, John Smith.

I am proud to say that all three of us were able to become members of the somewhat exclusive 130 Club this past week. Next year we may go for the 150 Club which is run on the two mile course. After that we might try the "B" Gas Altered class which has a record of 230+ MPH. The car was built to those specs but with added things to make it COMPLETELY street legal. As a matter of fact it is licensed and insured and driven on the street with a muffler that is uncapped for competition.

As for pictures, what few I was able to take, I will try to post them a little later.

I would also like the thank LKE for taking the time to drive the seven plus hours out to see us run. He is very knowledgeable and an all around great guy.

Here are some pictures of my "assault" on the salt. The first one is of me unloading it from the trailer with Bob Cox, the owner, standing in the background.


This shot I'm waiting for the previous car to clear the course then the starter will send me off.


Here I'm off and running.


Jim, I'm so glad you guys got to meet your goal! Congrats on making it into the club! I'm sure you guys will make 150 as well.
Looks like you could get snow blindness out there.Looks like fun what kind of tires do you run out there?
We ran out "Z" rated tires that we use for the road racing. Next year we plan on running "Bonneville" tires. They are narrower and taller with very little tread but with a VERY high speed rating.

We are just three old guys having fun.

Sounds like a great time had by all...
Lose any $$$$ i windover?
I lost NO money in Wendover Nev. I have nothing against gambling, I just don't like to do it. I'd rather waste my money on other foolish things like street rods or race cars.

Remember casinos where not built because everybody wins. But because most lose.
You forgot......
T25 HOFFMAN, JAMES C 75.63755 110.29099 135.81034

Yes, and the assigned number, T25, is significant because my T is a '25.


P.S. Those speeds are at the .2, .5 and 1 mile markers respectively. The picture that you have shown, Jim, was taken during the tech inspection and that is why the caps are off.

You're a man after my own heart. Congratulations on 130.
Track T-4, you may be interested to know that there was a guy there with a beautiful chopper that he RODE there from Annapolis, Maryland. He was not a real young either, he was in his fifties AND had a wooden leg! I don't know who was more pleased to see him make the 130 club, him or me. All I can say is that he is one hell of a man!!!


P.S. He was going to ride it back to Annapolis also. I wish him all the best.

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