It seems traffic is fairly steady. The numbers are down from where they should be, so perhaps the software change had a bigger effect than we had originally hoped. :thinkn: I had to make a business decision and this was our best option. Donations are flowing in well (thank you, everyone!), so it's not as if the wolf is at the door quite yet.
We have a member of this site setting up yet another competitive site, so I suspect that will end up diluting the traffic numbers even further. I've always felt competition has the benefit of making the competitive parties stronger, but every moment someone spends on a competitive site is a moment they are not spending here. I've done my best to offer our users the most secure and robust forum experience I can offer. This site is what it is and if it isn't enough, that's OK with me. It's not as if I just have to have a T-Bucket forum site, aye?
We're coming into the holiday season and perhaps people are spending more times with friends and family, which makes more sense than tapping away on a computer keyboard all the time anyway. :winkn: