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Windshield frame ???


I would like your expertise on a windshield frame.I am trying to decide on a full frame and a frame with the glass exposed on top.I know a lot of guys on here have the exposed top which I like better.I am also thinking of the safety aspect.Thanks.
My windshield has an exposed top and I used the modified '27 style posts from Total Performance and laid them back 20 degrees from vertical. I have driven my car over 9K miles (some at a great deal more than the "suggested" limit) with no problems. Perhaps my laying it back has helped rather than having it completely vertical.


Al, check your e-mail. I am sending you the info on the FTF badge. And thank you for the nice compliment on my car.
QUESTION: Does an open top prevent you from having a top?
I think it depends if you have a header that fits properly to the top of the windshield and frame.It seems like the sides is where most of the support is on the windshield frame..But then again I could be wrong.
Ok you got me, what is FTF ??? I know i am gona feel Stupid when u tell me.
It is an east coast Florida thing that in "polite" company stands for Forget The Fenders. You can get the meaning in not so polite company.

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