Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Windshield post / door spacing

Some of it was bought already chromed ORF. We do have 2 local chrome shops tho. 1 in Wagoner and another in Tulsa. The stuff that wasn't up to par or needed chroming went to Tulsa. I have been told Pete & Jakes uses them for some of their stuff.
I talked to a guy in the Tulsa area about doing my Riviera bumper and he sounded like he was doing it in his back yard. I was worried about his work and he wanted $850. I had it done in Dallas for $450. It’s not show chrome but I don’t have a show car.
There is one in Haskell also. Prices always were reasonable. Work was not show quality, but acceptable for the average bear. I used them for my trailer tongues when I was building cargo trailers for motorcycles. Always paid cash and had my stuff back in a couple of days.
I'm not even sure show chrome is available anywhere these days ORF. Place that did mine was a mom & pop shop and it turned out ok and reasonably priced. Lee, i can't remember the name but it's on Utica almost to Pine on the west side of the road. You wouldn't even know it was a chrome shop. It's a house with all the tanks inside and buffers out in the garage. Owner said they were just trying to fly under the EPA's radar and can't use the chemicals they use to use. I didn't know about the one in Haskell. Like every thing else these days, it's hit or miss.
Thank you madmike8. Glad to help when I can. You've got a great start on your chassis and look forward to following your build.
Jim, you may be thinking about Star Plating and was owned by Randy Sunday. I used them for a while, but took forrrrrrrrevvvvvvvvvvver to get stuff back. The one in Haskell is Sparks Plating. Not sure if they are still there. EPA was afraid to go in that shop I think. They are/were in an old bank building. I did see the owner today, but never got close enough to get his attention.

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