Rick said:I'm 6 foot and made an exact copy of Totals seat and have the 14 inch performer windshield with the Aniversary body.Bony legs and all this is where i sit with my back hunched over.
if you laugh at the legs god will get you.:lol:
Ok, all kidding aside...I like that amount of "layback" on the windshield..Some I have seen are layed back WAYYYY too far in my opinion.
I ordered my body from CCR for a layed back windshield. Jerry called twice to make sure thats what I wanted, as I guess he had to mod the body for the brackets (??) so he wanted to be sure. Now after looking at some of the CCR cars with the layed back windows, I think they are layed back a little too far..
So I make yet another decission on what I want.
I also don't want my fat head stickin up in the wind so I'm looking over the window like a Circus Bear...
I'm thinkin now a straight short window or half a window would look better, but I don't like those weenie rods running out front for support......:neutral: "BH"