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Windshild question


New Member
i have a tall straight up windshild from total
now im thinking maby i want the performer style
windshild the short slanted one
are the mounts the same ????
they look the same in the catalog
iv already mounted the straight one
if i could use the same holes i will probly
change th the short one
datonamanmike said:
i have a tall straight up windshild from total
now im thinking maby i want the performer style
windshild the short slanted one
are the mounts the same ????
they look the same in the catalog
iv already mounted the straight one
if i could use the same holes i will probly
change th the short one

I have the performer on my car and wanted to switch back and forth well when i got the straight posts tada the holes were off.I got ahold of Brian and he said it was a bad batch that the holes are the same.Hope this helps.
My understanding and experience with windshield posts, is that they vary from mfg to mfg and even by the pair. The process of fitting them to a body is done with the exact ones you are going to use to mount your windshield. Dean Jones from the NTBA wrote an excellent article posted on their tech pages... link is below.

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