Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Winter in Florida


I could not resist taking this photo today.


We cruised over to New Smyrna Beach, the shark bite capitol of the world, to enjoy the beautiful day. The temperature was 80 degrees with very low humidity and a very gentile breeze. We drove for several miles up and down the beach and had lunch at a beach side restaurant and then cruised back home, which is a 49 mile drive.

It is times like this that I am glad that I moved to Florida.
This is just what I didn't need to see today, it's 31 degrees, overcast and snowing as I type this. My 23T is out in my unheated garage on wheel dollies under a car cover and a couple of tarps.
EX JUNK said:
...The temperature was 80 degrees with very low humidity and a very gentile breeze. We drove for several miles up and down the beach and had lunch at a beach side restaurant and then cruised back home, which is a 49 mile drive...

ok... I really had no idea how sadistic you could be! :welcome:
No Just Plain Mean ,,would have been if had bikini clad babe's in the picture too insted of the guy in back ground,,,:razz:
Its 28 here today and this picture doesnt help a bit . EXJUNK has to buy lunch next time we see him.
I did not mean to be a bad guy by posting about our little cruise today. Perhaps these pictures will ease things.



As you can see, there is lots of salt laden sand on and in the car. Once we got home my wife, Nan, and I had quite a bit of clean up to do. That stuff gets in EVERYWHERE! And the salt content makes it very corrosive, much like the road salt that we used to have to contend with up in northeast Ohio. I must say though, the beach is a much smoother than the roads in Ohio. (No pot holes for one thing.)

I just know that you are all feeling very sorry for me now, right? LOL

:welcome::butt::lol::butt::butt::butt::butt::butt::butt::butt: This is what i think of your salt experence.
I see other tires there too....who else went?
At least you were cursed with clean up. :welcome:

We all wish we were there.
Well, it was a little mean (32 with freezing rain and hail here)...but a beautiful picture and a purty little bucket. :cool:
Man I need to finish my build. So I can cruise the beach seen too! Very Nice!
TrackT, you are very sharp eyed in spotting that other T in my original post. It belongs to friends of ours, Jack and Bev. They drove over with Nan and I to enjoy the day. Here is a picture with his T in it.

I just never get tired of looking at that car.

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