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first let me say, my mind is always imaginerring. mostly how to do something cheaper and still look like it was store bought but different. whats got me thinking lately is, what would you all think about taking 1" x 3" x .188 wall rectangular tubing and taper it down to create a wishbone. there is tubing available with a more rounded radius on the edge too, which would give it a more oval shape . like the original ones are made of. i think the wall thickness would work but it could be .250" also just to be safe. do you think it would look ok or just goofy? please don't say why make it when they are available. for me, the building is the fun part. most of my cars never get done, just worked on.
Different isn't always better, but if you like it that is what counts. I think it will be safe, just take your time welding it back together so you don' t get a gentle bow in it. What about two 7/8" round tubes for the top and bottom with a pie shape in the middle to make the taper? Just thinkin'! John

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